Tag Archives: drinking and driving

DUI Checkpoints and Holidays

Whenever holidays roll around, especially big ones that involve parties and drinking, you can expect to see an increase in DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints help police officers discover drunk drivers before they have a chance to cause any accidents. The checkpoints increase around holidays because officers know that people are more likely to drink during […]

DUI Checkpoints on Halloween

Drinking and driving is never a good idea. Unfortunately, thousands of people decide to do so every day, especially around holidays. This includes Halloween. People are out and about partying and having fun when they decide they are not too drunk to drive. They get behind the wheel of a vehicle, and inevitably cause an […]

Halloween and DUI Checkpoints

Halloween is a time for fun and games. For kids, this means trick or treating. For adults, this means parties, which will typically involve alcohol. The police and other local law enforcement are aware of this fact. They know people will be drinking during Halloween, and some of those people will think that getting behind […]

Is Driving While Hungover Ok?

Everyone knows that driving while drunk is a bad idea. While drunk you have poor motor control, and lack a sense of adequate risk assessment. Basically, you can’t control your actions well, and you do things that you wouldn’t normally do while sober. It is easy to see why people should not be driving in […]

How To Answer: Have You Been Drinking?

If you have never been pulled over for a DUI before, you may wonder how you should answer when asked if you have been drinking after having a drink or 2. As a United States citizen, you have the right against self-incrimination. This means that you do not have to answer that question. However, that […]

What Happens if You are Stopped at a DUI Checkpoint

Alcohol consumption increases during holidays and the weekends, and you can expect no different for Memorial Day weekend, which is right around the corner. Local law enforcement keeps up with this by setting more DUI Checkpoints throughout the city. If you are unfamiliar with what happens at DUI checkpoints, here is what you need to […]

Why You Should Pay for Uber or Lyft

There are so many ways to avoid drinking and driving these days, so why do people still do it? Instead of drinking and driving, you can walk if you are very close to home and the walk is safe, you can take a bus so long as you do not act drunk and belligerent, you […]

Instead of Drinking and Driving…

We hate to boast, but California is quite a lively state and is filled with plenty of day and night activities. The cities, towns, clubs, bars, and beaches all share one rule: drinking and driving is a no-no. Today, with the many transportation options out there, there really is no excuse. You can designate a […]

Drink and Jail = Bail

Victorville Bail Bonds

Summer is in full swing and we can tell you all are having the times of your lives. For some, however, they may be having a little too much fun. We seem to be bailing numerous individuals out of jail for having too much alcohol, then getting arrested because their actions while inebriated were not […]

Let Someone Else Take Care of Your 4th of July Transportation

Victorville Bail Bonds

Our favorite mode of transportation remains our own personal vehicles because we drive at our own speed and do not have to wait for anyone else. However, there are times when not driving, and getting a taxi, Lyft, or Uber is more ideal. The next time this is ideal, is this coming 4th of July […]